Monday, July 2, 2012

Swai in Agrodolce

I intended to make striped bass in agrodolce, but had no time to make it down to the asian market where they sell good fish. I had to settle for whatever looked decent at Crest down the street. The lady convinced us to buy Swai. it was cheap and looked fresh. apparently, swai is farm raised vietnamese catfish. it goes by many different names. It has the texture of catfish but the very mild flavor of tilapia. we went with it and i would have preferred striped bass because it is one of my favorites, but oh well. The agrodolce sauce is an italian sweet and sour sauce. I got my inspiration from my favorite cook book "Gourmet Today". everyone should buy it on amazon. Start with a whole lot of shallots in a heavy pan with olive oil. after they are just tender add 3/4 cups red wine, 1/2 cup white balsamic vinegar, 1/3 cut water, 1/4 cup sugar (or tad less i thought), 1/4 cup golden raisins, and two bay leaves, and salt and pepper to taste. cook this down until the sauce thickens and the shallots are tender, about 40 minutes. salt and pepper the fish and pan fry it in a little olive oil. the recipe i was following said to finish the fish in the sauce. The fish had so much water in it that it ruined the consistency of the sauce and made it too thin. i would just finish the fish in the pan next time and pour the sauce over. I served it with red lentils cooked in broth, with chopped walnuts. and some broiled bok choy. other than the consistency of the sauce it was very good. the sauce could hold up to chicken or pork well.

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